sustainability & responsibility

Sustainably demonstrating responsibility


Our company sees itself as having a responsibility to act sustainably and is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In doing so, we take all facets of sustainability into account. We act sustainably not only to protect the environment, but also in the interests of our employees and business partners. We are a member of the VSI-Nasch sustainability initiative for the development of a uniform industry standard for the greenhouse gas calculation of lubricants and actively support the establishment of a European society for the uniform calculation and documentation of greenhouse gas values in the lubricants sector!


Around one third of the total energy consumed results from friction and wear. A good lubricant can significantly reduce these effects, which is already an important contribution to resource efficiency. Sustainability is therefore partly a normal effect of our product - but BANTLEON thinks ahead!

Through continuous, ongoing development of products, processes and procedures, we aim to inspire our customers with high-performance products and comprehensive service. Our broad development and production competence makes us an innovation driver and pioneer in the industry. Customized solutions are proof of flexibility and efficiency.

And Bantleon takes care


Honesty and fairness as well as an eco-social and ethical basic orientation are important values of our business policy. Long before the introduction of the ISO 26000 standard in 2011, Hermann Bantleon GmbH placed social interests and needs at the centre of its business activities. In addition to this, our Code of Conduct ( compliance guidelines) is binding for all employees and also serves as a guideline for our business partners along the supply chain. 


Due to that we take ecological and innovative product development into our own hands in our accredited laboratories. Another important aspect of our corporate philosophy are long-term partnerships and which is reflected in the BANTLEON corporate philosophy, which is based on four strong value pillars:







We take the same care of our employees, which we foster with a multitude of offers.


Fluid management As early as 1990, the fi rst customers implemented fluid service projects to reduce volumes, increase process reliability and improve occupational health and safety.
DIN ISO 9001 certification For us, quality means more than just delivering a product according to specifications at the agreed time: We want to inspire our customers with products and service beyond the expected. In 1993, we were one of the fi rst medium- sized German companies to meet the DIN EN ISO 9001 certification standard.
Biodegradability research
It has long been important for us to develop products that are as environmentally neutral as possible - and that cause as little harm as possible. Biodegradability is therefore a focus topic in our research.
Fluid management At the beginning of 2000, we further developed our fluid management system into the digital management concept KSS-online.
Economy and ecology aren't mutually exclusive This statement sums up the product performance of AVIA SYNTOFLUID PE-B in a nutshell. The high-tech hydraulic oil enables extended change intervals and combines numerous other positive properties. The fluid is also suitable for use in environmentally sensitive areas.
ISO 26000 certification ISO 26000 is a guideline that provides advice and recommendations on how organisations of all kinds should behave in order to be considered socially responsible. The guideline was published in November 2010 and its use is voluntary.
GVÖ Introduction a container return system Advice and fi nancial support for introduction and implementation.
Aid project in Uganda A school in Uganda has been equipped with water tanks with BANTLEON's support. The tanks now enable the school to educate more pupils than before.
NaSch / UEIL 2021 Initial contacts on the topic of sustainability were forged at seminars held by the VSI. This became the "Lubricants Industry Sustainability Initiative" working group (NaSch) in 2017. In principle, NaSch working group is open to all VSI members.
Bee conservation Within the last 65 years, bee mortality in Germany has led to a decline from about 2.5 million to 700,000 bee colonies today. Under the umbrella of "beefuture", companies from a wide range of sectors can actively counteract bee mortality. In collaboration with beefuture, BANTLEON maintains its own bee colonies, which are close to nature and have roots in the regional.
Expert forum Since 2017, BANTLEON has organised the Expert Forum on Sustainability. Here, experts shed light on current sustainability topics in exciting lectures. We also provide a networking platform here.

Ulm Human Rights Award Two anniversaries, one new award: On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the "United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and 100 years of BANTLEON, the Ulm Human Rights Education Foundation and BANTLEON jointly awarded the fi rst Ulm Human Rights Award under the patronage of Nina zu Fürstenberg.

The prize was awarded for ambitious projects by pupils from the seventh grade upwards that deal with the topic of human rights in an original and creative way.


CO2 compensation In a consistent continuation of our projects and values.


In doing so, we have focused on countries that we already actively support – with Uganda (69 %) and India (31 %) being selected. We mainly support projects there that have other positive side-effects at the respective locations besides pure CO2 reduction - known as the co-benefits.



What are the SDGs?

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are the 17 sustainability goals with their 169 targets that the United Nations jointly adopted in 2015. By 2030, the sustainable development of all nations is to be advanced in great strides with the help of these goals.


Hermann Bantleon GmbH tries to have a positive impact on as many SDGs as possible in many different ways. Focal points are set in the context of the three pillars of sustainability (economic, environmental, social/ethical) as follows. Please click on the logo to get to the document.



Responsibility can´t be lived out alone, which is why Bantleon was looking for partners early on, defined transparency form the beginning and created a new state.
This can be seen specifically in the co-creation of initiatives, memberships in alliances and recognition through awards.

Your Contact person
Mr. Felix Taubert
Phone 0049 731 3990 293
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